David Keyston
3 min readJan 18, 2019


It must be nice to make up these fancy graphs the way you want. The unfortunate (inconvenient) truth about so much of this Socialist (note, that this is not “moderate” Democrat or liberal), extreme left agenda as promoted by AOC and now some other equally clueless leftists appeals to millennials and the younger set because they know so much that simply ain’t so. This is not necessarily their fault. There is much in our educational system that has been broke for 20+ years (that is another post entirely).

The unfortunate thing is AOC and others of her educational delinquency promote socialistic/communistic platforms without the slightest clue of knowing that such platforms and programs have utterly failed in virtually every instance, culturally, and especially fiscally. Politically, there is always a time when this becomes attractive. It is attractive until someone has to pay for it. Then, when more fully understood in practice, one can see the results in such countries today as Venezuela. It is essential to think further than past the endorphins running wild in one’s mind. But, hey, such nonsense makes for good sound bites and “feel good” rhetoric for those that do not know how to think critically.

Before we get this Socialist crap shoved down our throats it is advisable to study the forms of government throughout the past 200–500 years and see which ones succeeded and which ones failed; which ones were really moral and which ones were instruments of tyranny; which ones were tools of a centralized government, or which ones promoted self-government.

Ultimately, this will tell us which form of government is best for a free people who love and respect liberty, private property and the rule of law. That, friends, is not Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, even Monarchies, or a benevolent dictatorship.

America is founded upon the desire for limited government. It is not a democracy. America is a republic. The form of government we have is suited to a people desirous of freedom, not tyranny, of self-government, not totalitarian control, of liberty, not government intrusion into every aspect of our lives. America is not a fertile ground for Socialist programs. It rankles the very idea of which the country was founded upon. If one wishes Socialism in all aspects of their life I would suggest that individual go live where those policies and platforms are in place, and see exactly how that manifests in their daily life. Someone has to pay for it. One should experience that, if one is promoting it.

If such Socialist programs put the onus on the top 5% and they are taxed at upwards of 70% or more as AOC promotes, you will find in short order that those creative and productive individuals will migrate to a more hospitable environment. Think about this. Why do you think Apple kept so much money offshore in foreign countries? It was inhospitable, tax-wise, to bring the money back here to the U.S.A. Only when Pres. Trump provided incentives for such to re-patriate their billions back to the U.S. did we have further opportunity and incentive to put that money to work for the benefit of others here in creating more jobs here, creating more products here, etc.

All I ask is that one truly think about the long-term implications of what it is that they think they believe is good. Look into it, research it, know it, before one knee-jerk reacts to support something they know next to nothing about (other than it feels good) and realize just how this will impact the individual’s life as well as the nation’s culture (not to mention how one will balance the books).



David Keyston

Lover of liberty, the Constitution and the rule of law, respecter of real money, cryptos, healing the world through prayer, oh and racing cars & bikes.