David Keyston
2 min readDec 14, 2022


Kimberly, I do not mean to sound like a broken record. Obviously, certain of your articles inspire me more than others. This was a simple, but epically, a wonderful article and resonates all over with Truth.

Speaking of Truth, many years ago I found an interesting correlation concerning truth-tellers and combatting evil. At the time I was involved in an independent organization of a particular religious denomination, thus, we were seen as dissidents by that organized religious denomination. During that journey, we found individuals that had priceless, inspiring information (hidden for the most part for nearly a century) but that would not share it because they were afraid of repercussions from the organized church, or even worse, focused mental malpractice, which (in their belief) could harm or kill them.

What I have found is that it is the act of truth-telling and sharing is that which indeed protects one. When one stands with Truth (with a capital "T", a synonym for God) they stand with God, the Divine, and are thus protected, but one must know that. During that journey, and even now, sharing inspiring, healing material has ever been my mission, and I have never been afraid to share that or reveal that as I know my protection comes from on high, and Truth itself envelopes one in the sanctity of a divine Principle, despite the fact that the same organized church has sought to squelch my efforts as well (through legal as well as mental means). Of course, handling the belief of intentional harm by another is also requisite in one's prayerful mental work.

You keep going girl. You will enlighten the world with your message.



David Keyston

Lover of liberty, the Constitution and the rule of law, respecter of real money, cryptos, healing the world through prayer, oh and racing cars & bikes.